Blessings in Christ,

I pray that each of you have had a blessed week and that the showers of blessings are still raining. As I already had the privilege of reminding someone this morning, “This is the day that the Lord has made”.

I have surely had a blessed and productive week. Glory to God!

I want to provide you with links to some resources that I produced this week as well as provide some updates about ministry at Blue Point Bible Church.

Earlier in the week I wrote a couple blogs and articles:


In response to my being on Mrs. Jean Marie Princes Show last week, and the YouTube video she made available, I produced a couple resources.

TFC Magazine article –

Blog about the nature of the Kingdom –

Also, I watched and detailed a response to the Holger Neubauer & Howard Denham debate about the resurrection of the dead. You can find all of that and more by visiting this link,

Also, I wrote a blog concerning the previous weeks “Consistency Principles” that we have been detailing in our Sunday morning Worship Service, here is the link to (Part 2),


And continuing some of the YouTube videos I have been doing, I made 2 this week:

3Pi – Genesis chapter 4 –

Understanding the Times –

Tonight (9/23) we have our “strategic planning meeting” regarding XD Youth (this is our last meeting before our launch next month). That will be at 6:30PM. Also, at 8PM we will be continuing our “Chase the Lion” series.

Saturday mornings we have been going through the Patriarchs Bible Study and invite you to join us @ 9AM. (Come at 8:30AM for Q &A with Pastor Mike)

I offer all these details for the glory of God and your edification,

Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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