A number of caring people have been asking about opportunities to assist the victims of hurricane Sandy. All are encouraged to pray and move as the Lord guides them. I will be happy to coordinate relief that you may want to forward through the Blue Point Bible Church. You are also welcome to donate privately as the Lord may move you. If you’d like to donate through the church please indicate if there is a specific organization that you would like to earmark the money to and bring me a check made out to the Blue Point Bible Church with the memo line of the check indicating a special offering for hurricane Sandy relief. If you do not specify a particular charity I’ll be consolidating the monies and issuing a check from The Blue Point Bible Church to World Vision Hurricane Sandy Relief (see below).

Thank you. It is a pleasure to serve such a caring group.

Steven Hernandez

Elder, Blue Point Bible Church


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World Vision World Vision
Dear Friend,
I know you care greatly for the children and families impacted by Superstorm Sandy, and I want you to know that World Vision relief teams have been on the ground since the storm struck — and are working tirelessly to help victims in its wake.
The death toll is still climbing, and hundreds of thousands have had to evacuate their homes. Your help is urgently needed today.
The storm has taken its toll on relief efforts, too. Hospitals are being evacuated. Homes and churches are destroyed. And World Vision’s warehouse in the Bronx, N.Y., was flooded by surging water.
“We lost about one-third of our relief supplies from our warehouse in the Bronx when Sandy hit,” says Rick Miltimore, World Vision’s national director of resources and relief. “New York City is one of the most expensive places to live and operate when bringing relief. People are really hurting and they need our help.”
photo The devastation takes its toll on children. Five-year-old Junior Gonzalez sobbed uncontrollably when he learned his family lost nearly everything in the storm. “I don’t know what’s going to happen,” his mother says.
Your gift todaywill help World Vision relief teams provide emergency supplies to the most vulnerable victims like Junior and his family.
Help Now
Please join us with your support today.
Make a donation to World Vision’s U.S. Disaster Response Fund now. Your gift of any amount will help us provide ongoing support as victims of Superstorm Sandy begin to rebuild their lives.
Relief supplies — including blankets, food, flood clean-up kits, warm clothes, and more — have been trucked in from other warehouses, and we are distributing these critical items in the most devastated areas of New York, including Staten Island, the Bronx, Queens, and Yonkers.
Our relief teams are also assessing and responding to needs across the East Coast, where we anticipate recovery and rebuilding to continue for up to three years.
Your prayers and gifts matter in the days ahead.
Any gift you give today will be a blessing to the children and families impacted by this terrible storm and its aftermath.
God bless you, /s/ Rich Stearns
Rich Stearns President, World Vision U.S.






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