Blessings in Christ, 

I hope each of you had a blessed week, a week of working in and relishing the vision for our church that was shared at our recent Annual Meeting and the sermon this past Sunday (you can review the sermon at the link below). Dr. Vicki Chua celebrated her birthday this week and we had a small celebration for her in our Saturday Morning Bible Study. We’ve continued in prayer, even experiencing many praises, especially for sister Terri and sister Collette. Lord, heal, comfort, and bless our sisters. We lift up many others whom the Lord knows, hears, and cares for as well. 

I intentionally delayed sending this update to await the reality and wisdom regarding the expected snow storm. Well…it is snowing. We will monitor the snow and the safey of the roads, as well as the maintenance of the church grounds and decide details for tomorrow morning. Please pay attention to emails, texts, and social media posts for updates. As of now we are planning in-person service at 11am. (see attached graphic). 

We urge wisdom and caution in decision-making regarding your driving to and from church services. 

A few resources that were produced this week for your edification; 

Vision Sunday Worship Service –

Edward Howell’s blog regarding “The Sovereignty of God”,

We had 3 Preterist Power Hour sessions this week; 

I look forward to our fellowship, worship, and thinking through the things of God together tomorrow, whether it be in-person or online. Might this update find you enjoying a restful evening or welcoming a good morning. 

By His goodness & grace, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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