Blessings in Christ,
It is my hope that this was another week in life, wherein you found yourself grateful for all you have and all God is doing in and through you. Every day is a gift, might we endeavor to never take that for granted.
A few announcements & resources for your edification this week.
Tomorrow, 1/18, we will have our ‘Heart & Mind’ Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am.
This Sunday, 1/19, we have decided to cancel in-person services – Bible Study, Worship Service, & Breaking Bread.
Pastor Mike & his family will be traveling to NYC to Abyssinian Baptist Church and Elder Steve Hernandez is a bit under the weather and could use our prayers.
If you would like to watch the livestream service of Abyssinian Baptist Church, you can do so on Sunday morning at the following link,
Also, Monday, 1/20 is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Day of Service.
The Town of Brookhaven is hosting a luncheon at the Bellport Country Club from 12pm – 3pm. God willing, I might see you there. You can find more information and purchase tickets for the luncheon at the following link,
Also, consider joining me and others from BPBC on Zoom or through call in (consider the information in the Sunday bulletin) on Monday, 1/20 at 7pm. I have been making mention of and praising God for the efforts of His Coalition for the Homeless and I’d like to lead us in on a conversation regarding how we might help with their current work and dates.
Some resources I hope you might find edifying are;
The sermon from this past Sunday regarding ‘Coming To & Following Jesus Christ’ can be found on YouTube at the following link,
In the aforementioned sermon, I had talked through Jesus Christ mentioning that He saw Nathaniel sitting under the fig tree and the scene in The Chosen. You can review that scene at the following link,
Also, last night I had the privilege to talk with a host of other Christians regarding Preterism & Evangelism. You can review an outline of my shared thoughts at the following link,
I trust the rest of your week and weekend will prove to provide ample praises and prayers.
By & for His glory & the edification of the Church,
Pastor Michael Miano