Blessings in Christ,
I surely hope this week had been a week of self-examination, reeview encouragement, challenge, idea building, and developing resolutions – on each of our parts. I know it sure was and is continuing to be for me. As this week was the last of 2024 and the beginning of 2025! Happy New Year. Each of us are called to posessing and increasing so I pray you start strong.
We will not have Saturday Morning Bible Study tomorrow, 1/4.
However, make your plans to be present in the assembly for the 1st Sunday of the year.
At The Blue Point Bible Church we will have;
Adult Sunday School at 9am.
Worship Service at 10:30am.
Breaking Bread & Gathering at 6pm.
In our Worship Service we will have our celebration of the Lord’s Table, as well.
A few resources for your edification;
You can review this past Sunday’s worship service & sermon on YouTube at the following link. We are at the beginning of our Sermon Series on The Gospel of John, the title this week was “Behold Our God”,
Edward Howell wrote a blog regarding Jesus Christ being the only Way, Truth, and Life that leads us to the Father. You can read and review his blog at the following link,
Also, I had the privilege to learn of and listen to The Champion’s Circle on YouTube. The following link is an interview that was had with Vanessa Baird-Streeter released just this past week,
I look forward to fellowship and learning together this Sunday. Whether it’s afterlife discussions, sermons on Gospel According To John, or our relaxed atmosphere of fellowship, food, prayer, and devotion, I trust the time will prove edifying to the each of us.
Lastly, I’ll be sure to bring thoughts and resources regarding vision-building and New Year’s Resolution development on Sunday, as well.
Looking forward to a year wherein His presence & purpose increase in our lives.
By His goodness & grace,
Pastor Michael Miano