Blessings in Christ, 

I hope this week has proven to be a blessing to you. The Fall season is in full effect. The weather has cooled and prayerfully you have begun putting your Fall schedule and disciplines into effect. Might we take each and every opportunity to ‘advance the faith’ in our minds, hearts, and lives, especially as we move toward the annual Bible conference with that theme. 

I thank those of you who have submitted and/or sent me your answers to our initial questions regarding “Advancing The Faith”. 

A few announcements and resoures for your edification; 

Tomorrow, Sat., 10/19 we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

Sun., 10/20, we will have our usual schefule of the day – 9am – Adult Sunday School, 10:30am – Worship Service, and 6pm – Breaking Bread & Gathering. 

You can review this week’s sermon, Setting The Foundation: Advancing The Faith, at the following YouTube link,

I have begun a practice of writing up an outline of the sermon after I preach each Sunday. Here is this week’s outline; 

Title: Setting The Foundation for “Advancing The Faith”. 

We must start by examining our Our minds, hearts, and energy/focus/strength.

We must know the time and what we must do (see, 1 Chronicles 12:32). 

We must “…be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus,  so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and 

Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (see, Romans 15:5-6). 

We endeavor to, “We endeavor to… “Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity… (Hebrews 6:1)”. 

Might we demonstrate that we are those who have spent time with Jesus Christ, a people of increase and maturity, a people who turn ideas into action, truly given to the “advancing of the faith”. 

“If we are going to feed our people, we must ever ADVANCE in our grasp of Biblical truth…And to ADVANCE we must be troubled by Biblical affirmations, only when we are troubled and bothered do we think hard… And may we rejoice that even the cause of evangelism and missions will ADVANCE when we make plain these differing impulses in Christianity because this will help remove caricatures or stereotypes…”. – John Piper 

“The man (or woman) who is content to sit ignorantly by his own fireside, wrapped up in his own private affairs, and has no public eye for what is going on in the Church and the world, is a miserable patriot, and a poor style of Christian.” – J.C. Ryle 

Here is the link mentioned that will bring you to all the information about our upcoming Bible conference –

Lastly, might I mention the great time of fellowship and learning we had this week with Pastor Joel Rosenauer on the Preterist Power Hour. You can find the YouTube link to review the conference and other great resources from Pastor Joel at the following link,

Prayers for Terri, Colette, and others who are trusting God for healing and comfort in dealing with health issues. We thank God for a great time of fellowship at our After Church Lunch (this past Sunday). We pray and praise God for our upcoming Bible conference. We pray for the finances of our church. We ask God to advance His causes and purposes in our lives. In Jesus’ name we pray. 

I look forward to great times of fellowship, learning, and worship to be had throughout the weekened. To God be the glory. 

With a desire to edify and glorify, God & His people, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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