Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that each of you enjoyed and utilized this first full week of Fall to your benefit and the glory of God. I am still in the middle of my change of season routines – reviewing, renewing, reading, and resting. Prayerfully, you are working out your routine. 

A few announcements; 

Tomorrow, Sat., 9/28, we will have Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

Sunday, 9/29, we will have our Adult Sunday School at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am. Due to having our 5th Sunday Potluck (after Worship Service), we will not have our evening session of Breaking Bread & Gathering. 

Our weekly Bible Reading is Acts chapters 24-27. However, we will be reviewing Acts chapters 20-27, so feel free to review the full portion of the Apostle Paul heading toward Jerusalem, his arrest, and his court cases. Let’s think it through and endeavor to “act out Acts” together this Sunday. 

Some resources that were produced this week for your edification, are as follows; 

We have been reviewing the various Preterist Conferences through The Power of Preterism Network, as well as interviewing speakers and attendees. You can find access to those conferences and the reviews on the Preterist Power Hour at the following link,

We had our end of the month fellowship session on the Preterist Power Hour this week. You can review that session at the following link,

We interviewed the hosts of the Arkansas Eschatology Conference, Zach Davis & Travis Drum, on the Preterist Power Hour this week. You can review that session on YouTube at the following link,

You can access all the Arkansas Eschatology Conference videos at the following YouTube playlist link,

We continue to pray for healing and comfort for sister Terri. We thank God for the encouragement and peace He has given her thus far. We also think of others that could use the Lord’s healing hand (the Lord knows). We pray for our nation. We praise God for the various blessings He has given each of us. We pray specifically for Kaiden as he celebrated his 7th birthday this week. We ask and trust the Lord to guide, keep, and bless our congregation and congregational efforts. 

I look forward to fellowshipping, studying, and worshipping with you during the various times we have marked out this weekend.

By His goodness & grace, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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