Blessings in Christ, 

I hope each of you had a week of learning and discerning. Learning and discerning doctrine and the work of God in our midst. We have many praises but also many prayers, trusting God for healing and good reports in many regards. We praise God that He hears and is ever ready to answer our prayers.  As I often say, “He has knowledge of what we need before we have the words to ask Him”. 

I’d like to share a few announcements which will be followed by a shared resource;

Our weekly Sermon Series reading is Acts chapters 12-15. 

Tomorrow morning, Sat., 9/7, we have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

Tomorrow night, 9/7, we are inviting anyone and everyone to join us online for The Power of Preterism Network’s Semi-Annual Meeting. You can use Zoom or call-in at 7:30pm. We are using the BPBC Zoom and call-in information that is in our weekly bulletin. 

This Sunday, 9/9, we will have our Adult Sunday School at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am, and Breaking Bread & Gathering at 6pm. Also, being that it is the 2nd Sunday and National Grandparent’s Day, we will go out after church for lunch and grandparents will eat for free. 

See also the September Monthly Calendar at the following link,

A resource I believe you might find rather edifying; 

A link that will take you to a compiled list of Preterist conferences and links from 2024,

We continue to trust God for His wonders in our midst, including but not limited to healings from cancer diagnosis, comfort and peace for those suffering and for friends and family caring for them. We trust God for good results on any medical testing any of our membership, attendess, or loved ones are going through. We trust God for the blessing of the school workers, teachers, and students that went “back to school this week”, especially those in our midst. We ask for an increase of peace and wisdom. We ask that You might give us opportunities to “act our Acts”. In Jesus’s name we pray. 

I look forward to our fellowship, study, and worship this Sunday to come. 

By His goodness & grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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