Blessings in Christ, 

I hope each of you found yourself thinking, studying, and praying all the more this week. We are in a season of reformation & revival, and we have much to be praying about – physical healing in our congregation and around our congregation. 

A few announcements to share; 

Tomorrow, 7/27, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

This Sunday, 7/28, we will be having a Revelation Revealed Sunday, as I will be sharing the lectures I will be giving at the #AskThePastor Revelation Conference in St. Louis next weekend. The attached graphic highlights the details and can and should be shared. 

9am – 42 Months 
10:30am – Two Witnesses 
11:30am – Wind, Water, & Fruit
12:30pm – Q&A 

A few resources for your edification; 

You can and should review last week’s sermon regarding Reformation & Revival we hope to see in the world-wide church, the national church, and our local assembly at The Blue Point Bible Church. Review it on YouTube at the following link,

We had our Book of Daniel Online Study this past Thursday, wherein we highlighted thoughts from chapters 10-12. You can review that at the following link,

Also, we have our end of the month Preterist Power Hour earlier today. You can review that session at the following link,

We are reading a chapter of Luke everyday, ultimateely ending the book on August 10th. I had planned to do video teachings all weeked, however time escaped me. I do however hope your reading and studying has been beneficial. Tomorrow, I’ll put together a Luke chapters 1-6 summary and post it on our website and send it to your emails. 

We hosted VBS this past week, and while we didn’t have a whole lot of children to bless with our effort, we did have Kaiden and Kehlani. I am grateful for Vicki, Brian and Sandy, and Rachanda for all coming out to join in the fun, learning, and worship. Enjoy the attached pictures. 

I look forward to sharing important points from Revelation for your consideration and peer review this Sunday. Join for some one, some, or all of the lecture times. We will have announcements, worship singing, and more, as well. 

By His continued goodness & grace, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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