Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that the Lord is keeping and blessing each of you. 

Due to quite a few of our congregation testing positive for Covid this week, we have decided to cancel in-person services for tomorrow, Sun., 7/7. We will offer online opportunities for your edification (see below). 

A few resources for your edification; 

Here is a link to last week’s sermon, Intro To Luke & Acts,

Also, a July “Power of Preterism” Strategy Sheet was published this week. You can review that at the following link,

Planning has begun for Vacation Bible School in mid-July and for our annual Bible conference which this year is taking place in November. 

Regarding tomorrow’s online worship opportunities; 

In our Adult Sunday School we have been reviewing the Book of Daniel. We are still in the portion of Daniel chapters 10-12. If you are following along with the Tim Martin sermon series on Daniel, I’d encourage you to listen to #18,

Our Worship Service, including but not limited to the sermon, will be available on Facebook and on YouTube at 10:30am. 

BPBC Facebook –

BPBC YouTube –

We will also have a time of fellowship at 11:45am. You can join us through Zoom and/or call in. 


Meeting ID – 698 689 7086 

Call in # – 1 (646) 558 – 8656

Passcode – 003030

We continue to pray for sister Kathy. This week we also lifted up prayers for Meredith, Elder Steve, the USA Presidential campaign, and the need for each of us to invite people to gather with the church. We also mentioned Meredith’s friend Wendy and her husband, Colette’s 2 sons, the Middle East, Wayne’s uncle Richie, Terri’s mom, and Terri’s bloodwork. Lastly, we think of and pray for those who have contracted the Coronavirus. We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

I hope each of you find yourselves blessed, edified, and healthy, or recovering good health, as we move into online Sunday worship tomorrow. 

By His goodness & grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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