Blessings in Christ, 

I trust each of you had a blessed week. The summer season has come fast and seems to be going fast. Be sure to take a moment to simply be still and know that He is God. 

Reminder, tonight, 6/28, we have our Semi-Annual Meeting tonight at 7pm. 

A few other announcements would be as follows; 

We will not have Saturday morning Bible Study tomorrow, 6/29. 

This Sunday, 6/30, we will have Adult Sunday School at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am, and we will have our 5th Sunday Potluck (after Worship Service). Our 5th Sunday Potluck will have a dual purpose, the usual fellowship, however, we will also discuss and strategize our plans for Vacation Bible School. 

Also, we will be beginning a new sermon series on Sunday, “Luke & Acts”. 

A few resources for your edification; 

The sermon and dedication service from this past Sunday,

Interview with Greg Chacon on the Preterist Power Hour,

This past Sunday, 6/23, we lifted up praise for children, and parents who desire to raise their children in the Lord and dedicate them. We prayed specific prayers for Priscilla, Ricky, Kathy, the summer season, Yvette Leonard (the missing woman in Patchogue), and our Semi-Annual Meeting. 

I look forward to our time together this evening as we talk through the mid-year business of the church. And of course, I look forward to us and others joining together for study, fellowship, and worship this Sunday to come. 

By His continued goodness & grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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