Blessings in Christ, 

I hope and trust that each of you had a blessed week, a week full of the Father’s wisdom. I was grateful for the food and fellowship we had on Sunday. I hope the fathers in our midst felt celebrated and each of us enjoyed our time. See the attached pictures. 

Also, this past week a few of us and others gathered at the Blue Point Dock and sang some hymns to the glory of God and welcomed the official beginning of the summer season. See attached pictures. 

Tomorrow, Sun., 6/23, we wil welcome baby and child dedications. We will not have Adult Sunday School. Our Worship Service will start as usual at 10:30am. We will also have 6pm Breaking Bread & Gathering. See attached graphics promoting the baby & child dedications. 

You can review our sermon from this past Sunday at the following link,

The audiobook for my recently published book, FULL PRETERISM: Proclaiming The Presence & Purpose of God, has been released through Audible. You can share it and encourage others to purchase through the following link,

(Members of The Blue Point Bible Church can request a free audio copy. If you’d like free access please let me know through email or in person). 

Lastly, I’ll mention just published episode of Yo, Who Gave This Guy A MIKE?. You can listen on Spotify and/or YouTube. The YouTube link is,

We continue to lift up many praises and prayers to the glory of God and through our Wesnesday night praises and prayers. Specifically we have mentioned continued prayers for Kathy. Prayers for Meredith and Colette, as they were missed this past Sunday. Prayers for Wayne’s uncle, Richie. Prayers for Elder Steve H. as he deals with some things at work and has a lot going on. Praises and prayers for fathers and those who show themselves fatherly. We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

I look forward to our fellowship and worship tomorrow. Especially as we dedicate baby’s and children to the Lord, surely a God-glorifying thing. I’ll see all those the Lord calls to gather with us at 10:30am. 

By His goodness and grace, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

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