Blessings in Jesus Christ, our Lord, 

I trust this week was a blessed weeek for each of you and that you had opportunity to enjoy the beautiful weather befor this evenings storm. 

A few announcements; 

Tomorrow, Saturday, 6/15, we have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

On Sunday, 6/16, “Father’s Day”, we will not have Adult Sunday School. However, see and share our attached graphic regarding Worship Service at 10:30am and BBQ foods and pizza (after Worship Service). If you’d like to bring a side item, or dessert item, please feel welcomed to do so. 

Also, there will not be a Breaking Bread & Gathering session in the evening. 

See and share the attached graphic regarding upcoming events at The Blue Point Bible Church. 

Here are some resources for your edification; 

This past Sunday we finished up our #ReadingThroughRomans Sermon Series. You can review the sermon at the following link,

While I have not produced a new episode of my new podcast, ‘Yo, Who Have This Guy A MIKE?, you can now listen through YouTube. Listen to the most recent episode at the following link,

New episode coming soon! 

Lastly, I’ll make mention of an interview I participated in earlier. It has now been my 3rd time joining Joseph Belibi on his program Gospel Rock TV. Today we talked about living in the light of God. You can review the program on YouTube at the following link,

In our corporate praises and prayers, many of us have expreessed how blessed and rich we are in the things of God. We have prayed for BPBC and it’s finances. Specific prayers mentioned for Kathy Dazzo, Meredith’s friend Debra, Elder Steve Hernandez, and those we have not fellowshipped with in some time. We thank God for the #PassTheTorch Prayer Initiative. 

I look forward to the study, fellowship, and worship to be had at The Blue Point Bible Church this weekend. 

By His goodness & grace, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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