Blessings in Christ, 

I trust each of you had a week of enjoying God’s presence, gaining knowledge of Him and His will, expressing zeal for His Kingdom, and praising Him for His divine election. 

A few announcements; 

There is no Bible study tomorrow, 4/20. 

This Sunday, 4/21, we will gathering for Adult Sunday School at 9am (continued study through Daniel chapter 9). We will have Worship Service at 10:30am. Following our Worship Service we will have a short ceremony regarding Deacon Brian & Sandy’s wedding renewal (which will be followed by a time of reception & celebration in the Fellowship Room). 

A few resources; 

Here is a link to the sermon preached this past Sunday, “Knowledge, Zeal, & Election”,

Also, as already mentioned, we are continuing in Daniel chapter 9 in our Adult Sunday School. This past week we listened to Pt. 12 of Tim Martin’s Daniel Sermon Series. You can review that and go further in your listening and study at the following link,

Regarding sister Kathy Dazzo;

I know and appreciate that a few people requested the address to the rehabilitation center that she is currently at. She is at Surge Rehabilitation & Nursing, 49 Oakcrest Ave. Middle Island, NY. 11953. She can also receive visits and phone calls. The facility number is (631)995 – 2900. Ask to speak with Kathleen Dazzo. 

I look forward to fellowship, study, and worship, oh and celebration to be had this coming Sunday. 

By His goodness & grace, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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