Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that each of you had a blessed week. Thanking God for the death, burial, and resurrection and living your life in light of His Truth and power. 

We will not have Saturday Morning Bible Study, tomorrow, 4/6. 

On Sunday, 4/7, we will have Adult Sunday School at 9am. Our Worship Service will be at 10:30am (including The Lord’s Supper). We will also have our Breaking Bread & Gathering at 6pm. 

Join us. Invite a friend. May each of us rejoice in having such a group to gather with and experience the presence & purpose of God. 

Visit the following link to review our April 2024 Church Calendar,

Here are some resources for your edification; 

You can listen to the sermon from this past Resurrection Sunday at the following YouTube link,

You can review Edward Howell’s recent teaching on “void” at the following link,

Lastly, you can find and review the Preterist Power Hour “Strategy Sheet” at the following link,

We continue to keep Kathy Dazzo in our prayers, as well as hoping for healing and recovery for Terri Rivera. We were grateful for a good size assembly this past Sunday and a couple of visitors. The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ has given and continues to give each of us testimonies and increased faith. We entrust all of our other petitions and praises to our Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Wonderful Counsellor, and Prince of Peace. 

I look forward to our gathering together, to continue to show forth the presence and power of God in our midst, this coming Sunday. 

By His goodness & grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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