Blessings in Christ, 

I trust each of you had an enjoyable and blessed week. 

A few announcements and resources to share. 

Tomorrow, 3/23 we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

Also, tomorrow night at 6pm, there is a worship and networking night for Christians through the ministry United Long Island. See the attached graphic and plan to be there. 

This Sunday is Palm Sunday. We will have Adult Sunday School at 9am which will be followed by our Worship Service at 6pm. Join us and invite others to join us as we celebrate the kingship of Jesus Christ through Palm Sunday which we take note of as He entered the city of Jerusalem before His crucifixion. See attached graphic. 

Also, see the following attachment regarding our Easter aka Resurrection Sunday services. 

We listened to Tim Martin’s part 11 in the Daniel Sermon Series this past Sunday for Adult Sunday School (as we review Daniel chapter 8). You can listen to that recorded sermon at the following link,

While this past Sunday’s sermon was not recorded, I have put together a written blog with the notes from the sermon and other details. You can review that blog at the following link,

Here are some great resources that have been recently produced; 

I look forward to the opportunities for study and fellowship that will be provided this weekend. Let’s look forward to gathering and starting Holy Week this Sunday together. 

By His good grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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