Blessings in Christ,  

I trust each of you had a blessed week. Whether you are in the valley or on the mountain-top, God is there. We live life in seasons, so as the saying goes, “this too shall pass”. 

I was so grateful for all the well-wishes this past Sunday for my birthday, and wow, I was shocked, speechless, and utterly surprised in such a good way, as I walked into the hibachi restaurant for my surprise birthday party. Wow, what a way to bring in 40 years. Thank you all. 

Please remind that tonight/early tomorrow begins Daylight Savings Time. If you are not digitalised, you are to set your clock forward an hour around 2am. 

I know a few have expressed not being able to join us at 9am for Adult Sunday School. We will still have the class at 9am, however I wanted to provide a link that we will either be talking about or listening to during the class. Here is Tim Martin’s  sermon in the Daniel sermon series,

Of importance is that tomorrow is scheduled to be the Bayport – Blue Point St. Patrick’s Day Parade, which means starting in the morning the roads might be closed and you will need to navigate the roads in Blue Point. A GPS or the police who close often the roads are a good resource to utilize. 

We will have our Worship Service at 10:30am. 

There will be no Breaking Bread & Gathering in the evening. 

Some other resources I believe you might find edifying include; 

We interviewed Scot Brandon, author of The OATH on the Preterist Power Hour this week. You can review the interview on YouTube at the following link,

We also developed a March 2023 Strategy Sheet for The Power of Preterism Network. It is full of resources that will prove to be beneficial. Visit the Strategy Sheet at the following link,

I stumbled upon and was enriched by the sermon Daniel Rogers preached this past Sunday at North Broad Church of Christ. You can view the sermon for yourself at the following YouTube link,

Lastly, we have a few important activities happening throughout the months. Visit our monthly calendar at the following link,

We had a great time of praying for one another and lifting up prayers for one another this past Sunday. We continue to pray for inspiration, healing, peace, and strength to be in our midst, corporately and individually, for one another and for ourselves. 

I look forward to fellowshipping, studying, and worshipping with each of you tomorrow. 

By His grace, 
Pastor Michael Miano   

By admin

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