Blessings in Christ, 

I sincerely hope that you found yourself finishing February strong in faith and delighting in the presence and purpose of God in His Church. 

Tomorrow, 3/3 we will have Adult Sunday School at 9am (we will be venturing into Daniel chapter 8). Our Worship Service will begin at 10:30am. As most of you may know, it is my birthday tomorrow, so I believe there will be a short gathering for cake and worship after the Worship Service in the Fellowship Room. We will not have our evening session of Breaking Bread & Gathering. 

A few resources for your edification; 

Here is a link to the sermon from last Sunday regarding “The Eagerly Awaiting Creation”,

Mr. Edward Howell put together a Life Connection Group, based upon his blog title, Thinking Through Theology, and he had us think through the concept of “formless” as found in Genesis 1:1-2. Review his teaching on Youtube at the following link,

We completed our study through Daniel chapter 7 this past week. You can review the study on YouTube at the following link,

We had a great discussion with Brandon Anderson from South Africa this past week on the Preterist Power Hour. He shared his testimony in Jesus Christ and regarding the truth of Full Preterism. You can find the link to watch that interview among other information about Preterism in Africa at the following link,

I look forward to studying, worshipping, and fellowshipping with you tomorrow. 

By His good & efficient grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

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