Blessings in Christ, 

I hope this week proved to be a fruitful to each of you, as we trust God to be working in and through our lives, for His glory, possessing and increasing. 

I have a few announcements and resources to share. 

We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study tomorrow, 2/17, at 9am. We have open forum and continue our study through Church History. 

This Sunday, we will have our usual schedule of the day. 9am we will have Adult Sunday School (continuing our look at Daniel chapter 7), 10:30am we will have our Worship Service, and at 6pm we will have Breading Bread & Gathering. Consider joining us and maybe inviting a friend or two.  

Just a few resources that will not only bless you but provided further edification through engagement of our ministries here at The Blue Point Bible Church; 

Here is a link to this past Sunday’s sermon at The Blue Point Bible Church, 

Here is a “strategy sheet” of resources to study and review put forth by The Power of Preterism Network for the month of February 2024,

You can follow along with Lent Madness and have fun as you learn some Church History, at the following link,

I trust these resources will prove to be edifying and I look forward to fellowship that will be had this weekend. 

By His continued grace, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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