Blessings in Christ, 

I trust this week was full of thought, encouraging, challenging, and growth in general. I say that on the heels of sharing vision with out congregation last Sunday. I spoke to us about Patterns & Practices and how we will be learning a bit about and participating in New Monasticism and Life Connection Groups this year. 

You can review last week’s sermon on YouTube at the following link,

Some other resources for your edification would be; 

January 2024 LIC Public Press –

A resource regarding our Daniel study, specifically chapter 7, would be Adam Maarschalk’s blog. Here is the link,

Also, I am glad some of you will be joining me for b90x, a 90 day Bible reading challenge. We will begin on Monday, February 5th. I am attaching the promo graphic and the chart to this update. 

We are launching The Chosen Bible Study this Wednesday, February 7th at 7pm. Consider joining us for this time. See attached graphic. 

This Sunday, Feb. 4th, we will gather for Adult Sunday School at 9am. We will have Worship Service at 10:30am, wherein Pastor Mike will share some thoughts regarding how the life and witness of Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer should encourage and challenge us. We will also celebrate The Lord’s Table. Our evening session will be canceled, however, Pastor Mike is encouraging everyone to attend Local Legends Live in the evening. See attached graphic.

I look forward to our gathering together tomorrow and all the activity we have for weeks to come. 

By His continued wondrous grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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