Blessings in Christ, 

I hope this week afforded each of us opportunities for self-examination, growth, and further vision. Might the Spirit of God lead us to use our days wisely and influence those around us. 

A few announcements; 

Tomorrow, Sunday, 1/21, we have Adult Sunday School at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am, and Breaking Bread & Gathering at 6pm. 

I trust that each of us have marked our calendar regarding the Annual Meeting this coming Friday, 1/26 at 7pm. 

See also our Monthly Calendar for other important dates. Visit the following link,

The following link will take you to written notes from the sermon this past Sunday. We are stopped at Romans chapter 7 in our Reading Through Romans Sermon Series. We have been talking about the purpose and passing of the Law. Here is the link,

I recently have been talking quite a bit about the issue surrounding Full Preterism and the larger Christian community. I am calling the situation “Pretergate”. You can learn more by reviewing the following video –

Here is a link to Edward Howell’s blog regarding his exhortation he shared this past Sunday,

Lastly, I have been watching and reviewing the recent William Bell debate. You can watch and review on YouTube at the following link,

I look forward to fellowship, worship, and motivation regarding our mission to be had tomorrow. Hope to see you there! 

By His continued mercy & grace, 
Pastorn Michael Miano 

By admin

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