Blessings in Jesus Christ, 

I hope that this week afforded each of us opportunities to rejoice and be happy, to praise God for good health, and for each of us to find ourselves being helpful. Today is highlighted as Global Day of Action (namely regarding the call for ceasefire in Gaza and Palestine) and a simply Google search will show many taking action. As we read in Daniel 11:32, “…but the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.”. 

A few announcements & resources; 

Tomorrow, Sunday, 1/14, we will have a full day of Worship services and opportunities at BPBC. We have Adult Sunday School at 9am. Worship Service at 10:30am. Since it’s the 2nd Sunday, we will invite folks to go out to lunch as a church after Worship Service. We will also have Breaking Bread & Gathering at 6pm. 

You can view the January Monthly Calendar to see other plans for the month at BPBC at the following link,

You can review the sermon notes from last Sunday at the following link,

Just last night I offered a video regarding “Pretergate” and the effects that the “power of Preterism” is having in the theological community and the local church. You can view the video on YouTube at the following link,

Ward Fenley had a great interview with Derek Fulton on NCMI Live this past week. You can review that interview at the following link,

Also, regarding our Daniel studies, we have entered into Daniel chapter 7. A few resources I mentioned last Sunday that would encourage and challenge each of us are; 

Those are just some of the many resources that have been produced more recently that I believe each of us might find edifying. 

I hope the resources mentioned in this email prove to be fruitful and that each of us might gather to worship and fellowship tomorrow. 

God bless each of you. 

By His continued grace, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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