Blessings in Christ Jesus, 

I hope and have been praying that each of us are feeling better and are embracing the new year with renewed health and joy. 

We will gather tomorrow for the 1st time in 2024. Let’s hope and pray for a “full house” at The Blue Point Bible Church. Tomorrow, 1/7, also happens to be Epiphany Sunday, wherein we mark out the wise men journeying to meet the baby Christ. 

We will have Adult Sunday School at 9am (looking at Daniel chapter 7). We will have our Worship Service at 10:30am, which will include the receiving of “Star Words” and a continuation of our Reading Through Romans Sermon Series. Also, we will have Breaking Bread & Gathering at 6pm. Considering joining with us for one or all of these opportunities. See attached graphic. 

For those who follow the Preterist Power Hour, our January Strategy Sheet is available at the following link,

I put together a review of 2023 and some thoughts for 2024 in a blog which you can read at the following link,

We continue to pray for comfort and healing for those in need. We pray for the importance of gathering at the Church to be impressed upon each of us, especially as we welcome a new year. We praise God for healing and opportunities in front of us for the new year. In Jesus Christ’s name. 

I look forward to our time together and all that the new year shall bring. 

By His grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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