Blessings in Christ, 

Hopefully each of you enjoyed Christmas, or are still enjoying the Christmas season. I know the day after Christmas I woke up so grateful for all that I have in this life and posted the following thoughts on social media, “I woke up this morning feeling utterly appreciative for life. The life God has blessed me with. My calling. My family. My wife. My children. The Church, especially my BPBC peeps. My friends, far & near”. 

As we move closer and closer to the end of the year, I pray that each of us find moments to rejoice in personal growth and opportunities that were had to give God glory and the bless those around us, throughout this past year. We surely have a lot to be thankful for. In the midst of the praises, we also have a lot to be praying for. We are asking for healing for many within our congregation who have either had illness and ailments for some time, or have been effected more recently, even just this week. We know the Lord hears our prayers. 

A few pertinent announcements to share; 

This Sunday, Dec. 31st, we will not have in-person Worship Service at The Blue Point Bible Church. Instead, we will join together at 10:30am on Zoom for an online worship service which will include announcements, a time of worship in singing, special music offerings, sharing of corporate praises and prayers, and a sermon. Please consider joining us. 

Zoom Meeting ID – 698 689 7086 
Call in # – 1 (646) 558 – 8656
Passcode – 003030

Or watch on The Blue Point Bible Church’s Facebook page –

A few resources you might find encouraging and edifying are; 

Attached are some of the pictures taken at our Christmas Eve Worship Service. 

You can review more at the following link,

We had our Book of Daniel Online Study, regarding Daniel chapter 6 this past Thursday. The following link will provide you with the YouTube link to review the study session and other helpful resources,

I put together a blog of links regarding recent discussions pertaining to Israel – Palestine that you can review at the following link,

We had our last session of the Preterist Power Hour this Friday, which you can review at the following link,

Within the next week or so, those of you who were present at our Christmas Eve Worship Service, can expect an email with your free copy of FULL PRETERISM: The Audiobook. 

This past Sunday, Dec. 24th, 2023 –  we praised God for the incarnation that we celebrate in this season, especially on Christmas Day. We prayed for enjoyable times for all, healings for those in need of healing, and for Middle East peace. We praised God for a successful 4th Annual Under The Tree Christmas Outreach. In this time, we ask for prayers of healing for Deacon Brian, who fell and was in the hospital. He is doing better daily. Praise God, Also, Vicki, Pastor Mike and Rachanda, and others have suffered from the flu. Also, others smile have sick symptoms. Please pray for healing and comfort for all. In Jesus’ name.  

I look forward to worshipping with each of you online this coming Sunday, and maybe even being blessed by hearing your New Year’s Resolutions. 

To God be the glory. 

By His effectual grace, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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