Blessings in Christ, 

It is my sincere hope that each of you found time to rejoice in life and in all that you have in Jesus Christ, this week. 

A few announcements; 

Tonight, 12/22, and tomorrow, 12/23, we have our 4th Annual “Under The Tree” event at The Blue Point Bible Church. We hope you might consider joining us to help out or to receive helps with free thrift. Our event is from 6pm – 8:30pm each night. See the attached graphic. 

On Sunday, Christmas Eve, we will have a provided morning’s breakfast, spend time in worship and in the Word, and then we will participate in our gift game. Join as at 10:30am. (There will be no Adult Sunday School). See attached graphic. 

We will not have Breaking Bread & Gathering, or any services in the evening. However, everyone is encouraged, if you so choose, to find another local gathering for Christmas Eve evening services. Consider reviewing the list provided by the LIC Public Press (mentioned in resources below). 

Some resources for your edification; 

Pastor Mike was interviewed by Pastor Jason D’Ambrosio on his program, 1% Christian, this past week. You can review the session at the following link,

As many already know, Pastor Mike’s grandmother passed away last week. Pastor Miano and his family flew to Florida this week to be a part of the funeral services. You can review the funeral service, including the eulogy given by Pastor Miano, at the following link,

There as another edition of the LIC Public Press published this week. You can get more news regarding the sharing & happenings of Long Island Christians, including but not limited to Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Worship Services, as the following link,

We had many praises and prayers to lift up. A few in our congregation are praying and trusting for comfort and healing from the Lord. We pray for them and expect testimonies. We think of our Elder Steve Hernandez and trust God to give him ease of pain and full recovery. We lit and celebrated the “Joy Candle” this week and each of us find reasons to rejoice, whether after or going through a trying time. We continue to pray for peace in the Middle East. We lift these things up, as well as our silent praises and prayers, to the glory of God, in and through the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

I look forward to ample fellowship, service, and fun to be had throughout this ‘Christmas weekend’ at The Blue Point Bible Church and in each of our lives. 

By His continued grace & mercy, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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