Blessings in Christ, 

It is my sincere hope that each of you had a blessed week. We talked about peace this past Sunday as we lit the Advent Candle. I trust each of you have meditated upon and shared with others the reality of the peace we have in Jesus Christ, as peace that surpasses all understanding. 

A few pertinent announcements; 

We concluded The Truth Project tonight. I’m very grateful for those who diligently went through the course. 

Tomorrow, Sat., 12/16, we are going to the movies as a congregation. We will be going to AMC Stony Brook (2196 Nesconset Hwy. Stony Brook) at 7:30pm to see The Chosen: Holy Night. Each person is responsible for their own ticket. We will not have any fellowship prior, however, perhaps we will plan to fellowship after the film. To be determined. 

This Sunday, 12/17 is the 3rd Sunday of Advent. We will take note of the “Joy Candle”.
Join us for Adult Sunday School at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am, and/or Breaking Bread & Gathering at 6pm. 

Our “Under The Tree” Christmas outreach is planned for Friday & Saturday, December 22nd – 23rd (6pm – 8:30pm). See attached graphic. 

We also have a Facebook invite available at the following link,

Here are some recent resources compiled for your edification; 

Pastor Mike was a guest participant on Dallas Kobylka’s podcast, Challenging The Traditions of Men. The topic was “In The Beginning” as a phrase. You can listen at the following link,

Ward Fenley put together a video on Palestine, Israel, Preterism, etc. You can review his teaching at the following link,

Ward also interviewed Pastor Mike last week, which you can review at the following link,

You can also view Pastor Miano being interviewed about the Israel-Palestine conflict by Jonathan Buttry at the following link,

Lastly, we had Tim Martin on the Preterist Power Hour this past Wednesday night. You can review that session at the following link,

We lifted up a host of praises and prayers this past Sunday, December, 2023, at The Blue Point Bible Church. Some particulars would be praise for Elder Steve Hernandez & Gladys’ anniversary, as well as their welcome a grand baby, a boy, this past week! We prayed for Pastor Mike’s grandmother and family (his grandmother passed away this past Thursday, 12/14). We prayed for Karen (Kathy’s granddaughters medical procedure). We also prayed for Elder Steve Hernandez’s surgery. In the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ we pray and trust. 

I look forward to our continued observation of Advent this coming Sunday, especially as I pray and ponder the reality of joy in the midst of sorrow. Prayerfully, you will be there for some, if not all, of our weekend gathering opportunities. 

By His continued keeping, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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