Blessings in Christ, 

My prayers are and will continue to be that as we go through the Advent Season that each of us are highlighting our possession and intentionally increasing in hope, peace, joy, and love. May this be a season of self-examination, prayer, and action. 

A few announcements; 

Tonight, Dec. 8th, we have our continued study through The Truth Project at 7pm. 

This Sunday, Dec. 10th, we have our Annual Harvest Dinner planned for 6pm. See attached graphic. 

We have a rather full Advent Season calendar and I’d encourage you to mark down the dates and join with us for the different festivities. 

BPBC Annual Harvest Dinner 
Sun., Dec. 10th – 6pm 

“Holy Night” – Chosen for Christmas
Sat., Dec. 16th – AMC Stony Brook – 7:30pm 

4th “Under The Tree” Christmas Ministry 
Fri – Sat., Dec. 22nd – 23rd (6pm – 8:30pm) 

Christmas Eve – Celebrating Jesus Christ! 
Sun., Dec. 24th – Christmas Eve – 10:30am 

Breakfast, Worship & Word, Gifts, & Game-playing 

You can see our full Monthly Calendar at the following link,

A few resources that were produced this week for your edification; 

Pastor Mike had an interview with Ward Fenley on NCMI Live to talk about peacemaking in the Middle East. You can review that session on YouTube at the following link,

With the same focus, Pastor Mike also interviewed with Jonathan Buttry. You can review that session at the following link,

Also, Pastor Mike and a few others were on Dallas Koblyka’s podcast – Challenging The Traditions of Men – this week. The discussion was about the first three words of the Bible – “In the beginning”. Listen to the podcast at the following link,

There will be an updated December video & Strategy Sheet uploaded in the days to come, however, in the meantime, you can peruse the following link for further resources to study,

We had a variety of praises and prayers shared this past Sunday. We lit the Advent Candle of “hope”. We hope for healings in our congregation, a blessed and beautiful pregnancy and delivery for Andrea (Elder Steve’s daughter), and for peace of mind for each of us. We hope to continue to bless others with our faith. We trust the Lord for answered prayer. In Jesus’ mighty name. 

I look forward to all fellowshipping and feasting that will be amply supplied this season and more specifically this weekend. 

On Sunday, we will have our Adult Sunday School at 9am and Worship Service at 10:30am. Our evening session will be our Harvest Dinner instead of the usual Breaking Bread & Gathering. 

With a steadfast hope for peace, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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