Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that each of you had a blessed week and a Happy Thanksgiving. May we constantly increase in our gratitude for all that God does and has done, His Church, our families, and friends. We surely had a great night, full of thanks and laughs, at our Pre-Thanksgiving Thanks service at The Blue Point Bible Church on Wednesday night. To God be the glory. 

Thank you to each of you who extended your Thanksgiving table by donating some food to be given out as ‘Post-Thanksgiving Plates’. 

A few resources for your edification; 

Here is a link to review the written notes from the sermon preached last Sunday, “A Non-Discriminatory Compassion”,

Also, here is a link to review the recent Preterist Power Hour and mentioned resources,

A few announcements; 

Later night, at 8pm eastern, there will be a “Preterist Pastors” session live on Zoom and call in. All are welcome to join the session. Simply use the BPBC Zoom info that is in the weekly bulletin. See attached graphic. 

Tomorrow, 11/26, we will have our Adult Sunday School at 9am. We will have our Worship Service at 10:30am. 

Instead of our normal Breaking Bread & Gathering Session in the event, this Sunday, we will have a presentation called “Coffee, Tea, & Peacemaking in Israel & Palestine” (see attached graphic) which will start at 7pm. It is asked that you rsvp by phone, simply call the church or my cell and leave a message, or email me at 

I look forward to fellowshipping with each whom the Lord calls to gather with us tomorrow. 

By His continued grace & mercy, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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