Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that each of you had a blessed week, have been constant in prayer, and have much to praise God for. 

A few announcements and resources for your edification. 

Tonight, Fri., 11/3 we will continue our studying through The Truth Project at 7pm. 

Tomorrow, Sat., 11/4, we have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

This Sunday, 11/5, please remember to “Fall Back” by setting your clock back at 2am. 

We will gather for Adult Sunday School at 9am, followed by Worship Service at 10:30am. A portion of our service will be dedicated to International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, and we will celebrate the Lord’s Table. Also, we will have Breaking Bread & Gathering at 6pm. 

Consider reviewing the following resources put together for your edification this week: 

Regarding our new sermon series, Reading Through Romans, you can access notes and resources from the sermon this past Sunday at the following link,

I wrote a review of Pastor Chad Mansbridge’s book, You Can Handle The Truth, which you can read at the following link,

Also, were had an interview with Pastor Steve Magua regarding the #AskThePastor End Times Conferences that was had in August 2023 in St. Louis. Review the interview and access other mentioned resources at the following link,

This Sunday we will have a November “Monthly Calendar” available in the foyer and on our website. 

I look forward to the fruitful fellowship each of us might have throughout the weekend, especially at The Blue Point Bible Church. 

For the glory of God alone, 
Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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