Blessings in Christ, 

I trust each of you had a blessed week, rejoicing in what we have as His Church, and maintaining your constant possession and increase in Christ Jesus. We continue to pray for healing on behalf of many in our midst and travel mercies for those ‘on the road’. 

A few announcements; 

Tonight, Friday, 9/22, we have our 3rd session of The Truth Project. Consider joining us at 7pm for learning and discussion. 

Tomorrow night, Saturday, 9/23, we have XD Movement/Immersed Discipleship at 7pm. We will be “Falling Forward” with our lives, our callings, and goals. Also, we always have some food and snacks to share at the XDID sessions. 

Sunday, 9/24, we will have our Adult Sunday School at 9am (continued review of Daniel chapters 1-3), Worship Service at 10:30am, and a “Pizza Party” to follow. This will be to celebrate Kaiden’s 6th birthday. Also, during this time we will welcome those who submitted book reviews to share if they would like. We will have not our evening session of Breaking Bread & Gathering 

A few resources; 

Tim Martin will be joining with for our Annual Conference in October. He will be preaching parts 3 & 4 of a sermon series he began at the AskThePastor Conference in Missouri last month. You are encouraged to review those previous sessions. You can find them and more information at the following link,

Prayerfully you have been making use of the September “Strategy Sheet” from The Power of Preterism Network. Chock full of resources to review. Visit the following link,

We interviewed TJ Smith regarding his new book, The Last Semite, on the Preterist Power Hour this week. You can find the link to review that interview and more information on resources from TJ Smith at the following link,

I look forward to our various opportunities to gather together starting tonight and all throughout the weekend. Of course praying that each of you find your way to gather with us for the various actives as well. 

By His continued working & grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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