Blessings in Christ,

I hope each of you are having a blessed week. Prayers for those healing and traveling. 

A few announcements and resources to share. 

Tonight, Friday, Sept. 15th, we have our 2nd session of The Truth Project at 7pm at The Blue Point Bible Church. Still a great time to jump into the study. 

Saturday, Sept. 16th, we have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

You can review our monthly calendar at the following link,

This coming Sunday, Sept. 17th is National Back To Church Sunday. Pastor Michael Miano will be sharing his testimony regarding the Church, explaining what we as children of God are invited into, and explaining the eternality of the Church. See attached graphic. 

(We will also be congratulating and doing the raffle for the Summer Book Reading during our Worship Service. Please remember that there will be no Adult Sunday School). 

Some resources for your review; 

The Preterist Power Hour September “Strategy Sheet” can be accessed at the following link,

Also, all the most recent sessions and outlines of A Contextual Study on the Hope of Israel/ Resurrection of the Dead have been uploaded. You can review our most recent session and the study notes at the following link,

Keep in mind, our 8th Annual Bible Conference, The Kingdom & Worldview Conference is just 3 weeks away (October 6-8, 2023). Be praying for and planning to be there. Information, including schedule and travel information, can be found at the following link,

(Also see and share attached graphic regarding our conference). 

We are close to finishing our #CrazyCorinthians  Sermon Series. I know a few have asked about our sermon recordings. I will be uploading the past 4-5 sermons in the next week or so. Please give me grace in that regard.

We corporately lift up praises and prayers for the glory of our God each week. This week our praises were full of God’s healing hand and of course we continue to pray for healing around our congregation. As brother Edward Howell often mentions, “We pray for those who are ill and those taking care of those who are ill”. We also pray travel mercies and time of enjoyment for the many in our congregations traveling. Jesus Christ, we thank, love, and honor you. 

I look forward to our next couple days of gathering and fellowshipping opportunities. 

If you are able, join us tonight for The Truth Project at 7pm. 

If not, perhaps you can join us for Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

Otherwise, we look forward to worshipping along with you on National Back To Church Sunday, this Sunday, at 10:30am.

By His continued grace & blessing, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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