Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that each of you had a blessed and prosperous week. 

A few announcements & resources. 

Tomorrow’s planned cleanup at BPBC, Sat, 8/12, is being rescheduled. More details will be shared on Sunday. 

You can view our August Monthly Calendar at the following link,

Due to a device issue, I have not been recording and uploading our Worship Services and sermons. I will be uploading quite a few in weeks to come. 

You can review this week’s Preterist Power Hour and the accompanying “Strategy Sheet” at the following link,

We studied through Revelation chapters 14 and 20 in our Pt. 45 of A Contextual Study on the Hope of Israel/ Resurrection of the Dead. Visit the following link to review the study session on YouTube and to review the outline and notes,

As a “Flashback Friday” resource, I’d remind you in was on this day, 2 years ago that I debated Chris Date on the Resurrection of the Dead. You can review that debate at the following YouTube link,

We did not have a corporate praise and prayer time this past Sunday. However, we rejoice in the fact that our Sovereign God know our needs, praises, and words before we form them and He is always providential in answering our prayers. We lift up our corporate prayers together for His glory and in His name.

I look forward to our Sunday gatherings. We will have Adult Sunday School at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am, followed by our 2nd Sunday after-church luncheon. At 6pm we will have our Breaking Bread & Gathering session as well.

Until then, may each of us rejoice in all that we have and perhaps reach out to Deacon Ed and Lisa Mahr to wish them both a happy and blessed birthday tomorrow. 

By His grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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