Blessings in Jesus’ mighty name,

I hope this first week of August afforded you many blessings, reminded you how rich you are in Jesus Christ, and compelled you to be ‘mighty in mission’. 

A few announcements & resources for your edification. 

Tonight, 8/4, we will host out last session on Bonhoeffer & Bonfires at 7pm. While it looks like rain, so there may not, yet again be a bonfire, we we enjoy some hotdogs & pretzels as we study and fellowship tonight. See attached graphic. 

There will be no Saturday morning Bible study tomorrow, 8/5. However, some of us have chosen to participate in the Overdose Awareness Walk happening in Deer Park. Please see the following link for more information,

This Sunday, 8/6 is Parousia Sunday/ New Jerusalem Day. We will have Adult Sunday School at 9am, a worship service dedicated to talking about and experiencing the presence of God at 10:30, followed by a celebration of the Lord’s Table. We encourage attendees to wear purple. 

A few things to keep an eye out for: 

Our last 3 sermons have not been uploaded, however, they will be throughout the weekend. Visit for the audio links and sermon notes. 

The Preterist Power Hour has been on hiatus, however, starting next Monday, 8/7, the new format for the Preterist Power Hour will launch. While there will be sporadic interviews and topic studies throughout the month, the live sessions will be on the 1st Monday & last Friday of each month at 10:30am. 

Also, planning has begun for our upcoming End of Summer: Back To School Bash (Sat., Aug. 26th) and The Kingdom & Worldview Conference (Fri – Sun., Oct. 6th-8th). See attached graphics. 

Lastly, hopefully each of you had time to read & review the recent June – July 2023 LIC Public Press. Here is the link for our recent issue,

I look forward to fellowship and worship throughout the weekend. If you can join us tonight, great! If not, we hope to surely see you on Sunday. 

By His continued grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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