Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that each of you are enjoying a week of praise and staying cool in this intense heat we have been experiencing. I trust many of you found yourself blessed to have Elder Steve Hernandez lead the Worship Service last week. Of course, we pray that he is having a blessed birthday, today! I look forward to being back in the pulpit tomorrow, as it seems like it has been forever. 

A few beneficial announcements & resources to share. 

Tomorrow, 7/16, we will have Adult Sunday School at 9am (wherein we will continue our study through Daniel), to be followed by our Worship Service at 10:30am. If the weather is appropriate – not too hot, not wet – we will gather for Worship outside. We will also consider whether we want to go out for lunch, since we missed last week’s opportunity. However, we also have a 5th Sunday this month, so look forward to the potluck. 

Also, consider reviewing our Monthly Calendar for other events and announcements. Click on the following link,

This week we had the Semi-Annual Meeting for The Power of Preterism Network. You can review the summarized notes at the following link,

We interview Bible translator, Jonathan Mitchell, on the Preterist Power Hour this week. You can find the link to review that interview on YouTube at other resources at the following link,

We entered into a part 42 of A Contextual Study on the Hope of Israel/ Resurrection of the Dead this week, covering John 5:24-29. You can review that session and find other resources at the following link,

We began our 4 part study on Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer this past Friday for the Bonhoeffer & Bonfires event. I am grateful for those who joined us. Each Friday, up to the 1st Friday of August, we will gather at 7pm to go through teachings of Bonhoeffer’s and enjoy a bonfire (if the weather is appropriate). See the attached graphic & consider joining us. 

(Also, visit the following link to learn more about Bonhoeffer & Ecology (which we covered in this week’s session,

Lastly, regarding our Book of Daniel study, I will attach our last two study links, which are chock full of resources. We have been going through the study in our Adult Sunday School at 9am on Sunday mornings, however, we will also invite the “online community” into our study through Zoom or call-in on Thursday, July 20th at 8pm. 

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(2) –

I look forward to seeing each of you tomorrow and may our time give glory to God. 

By His continued grace, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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