Blessings in Christ, 

I hope and trust that each of you kept the faith despite life’s desert moments. Day in and day out we have so much to praise God for. May this weekend prove to be a blessing and cause you to have increase in “joy unspeakable”, revival of soul, and healing in whatever manner the Lord see’s fit. 

A few resources and then I’ll share some announcements; 

You can review last week’s intro to 2 Corinthians at the following link,

You can review our Tuesday night study on the ‘hope of Israel/Resurrection of the Dead, part 38, on Romans chapters 6-7 at the following link,

You can review the Glenn Hill interview and a host of resources from Glenn Hill over the years at the following link,

The May issue of LIC Public Press has been published and you can review it at the following link,

This weekend is considered by many to be Pentecost Weekend, and yes, of course Memorial Day Weekend, as well. That being so, let us expect increase in the Spirit, especially regarding expectancy, evangelism, and gratitude, for all we have in this nation, however moreso, how rich we are in Jesus Christ. 

Join us for Adult Sunday School at 9am and Worship Service at 10:30am. 

We will begin Outside Worship Service starting in June. 

By His continued love & grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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