Blessings in Christ, our Lord, 

I trust each of you had a fruitful week, full of God’s goodness, and opportunity to do good. As we celebrated Mother’s Day last Sunday, I hope each of you worked toward mothering the Gospel in the world by way of working in justice, peace, and joy. 

A few resources & announcements; 

You can review the Worship Service & Sermon from this past Sunday at The Blue Point Bible Church at the following link,

We had Pastor David Curtis from Berean Bible Church on the Preterist Power Hour this past week. You can review that session, along with other interviews we had had from the recent BBC Conference, at the following link,

Consider reviewing today’s Preterist Power Hour and mentioned resources at the following link,

I published a review of Daniel Roger’s book, How A 25 Year Old Learned He Wasn’t The Only One Going To Heaven, which you can review at the following link,

Tomorrow, 5/20, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

We will be further reviewing resources by Tertullian, which you can pre-review at the following link,

We will have our Adult Sunday school this Sunday, 5/21 at 9am. The plan is to review some thoughts from 1 Corinthians chapter 15, as were shared by Michael Sullivan, at the recent BBC Conference. You can view or review that message at the following link,

Join us, invite others to join us, for Worship Service at 10:30am on Sundays! 

I hope these resources prove to be edifying for you and I look forward to fellowshipping, studying, and worshipping with you this weekend as the Lord sees fit. 

By & for His goodness, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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