Pt. 15 – Summing up the 2nd Century/ Talking About the 3rd 


While persecution continues intermittently from without, heresies pose major dangers from within and must be answered. 

Apologists, or explainers of the faith, emerge to combat heresy and answer the church’s opponents.

The churches are not legal and have no public forum or church buildings. Local persecution can break out at any time. A profound public witness emerges as Christians are put to death because they will not deny the faith at any cost. Examples: Martyrdom of 84-year-old bishop Polycarp (AD 155) and a whole group mercilessly tortured at Lyons in AD 177.

The strongest centers of the Church are Asia Minor and North Africa. Rome is also a center of prestige.

The church continues its amazing spread reaching all classes, particularly the lower. 

“Ante-Nicene Fathers” – 

Irenaeus of Lyons 
pg. 68 – 71 of The Story of Christianity 
(See also, 81, 83, 133)
(Pg. 31, 33, 71, 134 of Church History in Plain Language) 

“Irenaeus may be best known for his theory of recapitulation. Recapitulation emphasizes the true humanity of Christ, who undoes the work of Adam and fulfills all that God intended for mankind.” – 

Dionysus of Corinth 

Pg. 76-77, 83 of The Story of Christianity 
pg. 64-65,69, 74 of Church History in Plain Language 

Bardaisan of Edessa

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