Blessings in Christ, 

I hope and trust that each of you had a blessed week, ample opportunity to lift up prayers, and to praise God for answered prayer. May God continue to enrich and prosper each of us, by and for His glory. 

A few announcements; 

Tomorrow’s, 5/12, Preterist Power Hour is canceled and the interview with Pastor David Curtis is postponed to Monday, May 15th at 10:30am. 

Until then you are encouraged to review the following blog, which has been published, as a post-Berean Bible Church Conference resource,

Saturday, 5/13, is the Great Brookhaven Cleanup. Consider joining us from 9am – 12pm as we clean up the area surrounding BPBC and up and down Blue Point Ave. See attached graphic. 

Also, this Saturday there is an online conference hosted by Fulfilled Media. Visit the following link for more details how to access the conference session –

Sunday,  5/14, is Mother’s Day. We will not have Adult Sunday school, however we encourage all to join us for Worship Service at 10:30am, to be followed by a catered luncheon.

Resources provided this week would include; 

Outline and audio link from the past Sunday’s BPBC Worship Service –

Pt. 37 of A Contextual Study on the Hope of Israel/ Resurrection of the Dead –

I look forward to worshipping and fellowshipping with each of you, this weekend, God-willing. 

For His glory alone, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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