Blessings in Christ, 

I hope each of you had a blessed and productive week. Prayerfully, each of you are enjoying the Spring, and found yourself praising God for the beautiful planet Earth today (as it was Earth Day). 

I look forward to our fellowship and worship tomorrow at The Blue Point Bible Church. We will have Adult Sunday school at 9am and Worship Service at 10:30am. 

Our evening session of Breaking Bread & Gathering will be postponed until further notice (or as most of you know, Pastor Mike finds a new normal being a daddy to a newborn). 

A few resources; 

You can review Past Sunday’s sermon and notes at the following link,

Here is the Mind-Dump Monday (resources) shared from this week’s Preterist Power Hour –

We studied through Mark 9:38-50 on our Tuesday night study, A Contextual Study on the Hope of Israel/ Resurrection of the Dead (Pt. 34) this week. You can review that study on YouTube and the study notes at the following link,

Pastor Mike shared a testimonial blog this past Thursday. You can read that blog at the following link,

Edward Howell also wrote a blog, sharing insights regarding the ‘resurrection hope’ this week. You can read his blog at the following link,

I look forward to another “Sermon Sunday” tomorrow. May God continue to be glorified by our gathered efforts. 

By His grace,

Pastor Michael Miano 

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