Blessings in Christ, 

I pray that each of you enjoyed this week, post – Resurrection Sunday (so we continue to celebrate His resurrection), beautiful weather on Long Island, and we celebrated the birthday of Deacon Brian, as well as the birth of Kehlani Miano, and sister Terri’s birthday is tomorrow. What a joyful week! 

As you would imagine, I am truly caught up in the heavenlies. 

A week announcements; 

First, I thank each of you for being understanding regarding the unexpected cancellations and changes to scheduled programs due to Rachanda’s going into labor and Kehlani being born. Please bear with me as I find a “new normal” in my scheduling. 

Tomorrow’s, 4/15, Saturday Morning Bible Study is canceled. 

We will all gather together this Sunday, 4/16, a return to our normal scheduling. We will have Adult Sunday School at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am, and Breaking Bread & Gathering at 6pm. 

A few resources; 

You can review last Sunday’s sermon at the following link,

Our last session, Pt. 33, of A Contextual Study on the Hope of Israel/ Resurrection of the Dead, YouTube and notes can be found at the following link,

Pastor Mike published a “Post-Passover Pondering” blog which you can read at the following link,

We did not have any Preterist Power Hour sessions this week. However, there surely has been a lot happening in the Preterist community. Two recent resources you might enjoy and find edifying are: 

A write-up from some popular Bible teachers regarding Full Preterism from 1993,

Also, Joel McDurmon, author and Bible teacher, shared some kind sentiments toward Full Preterism this week on his blog,

We are looking to publish our April issue of the LIC Public Press this week to come. Please email me any events, announcements, articles, graphics, etc. that you would like published by Monday, 4/17. You can review last month’s issue at the following link,

I hope this email proves to be edifying. I of course look forward to our fellowship this coming Sunday. 

By His grace,

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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