Blessings in Christ, 

I pray this update finds you having a set-apart Holy Week and welcoming a ‘Good Friday’. May we do all we can to remember, appreciate, and stir up our zeal regarding our knowledge that, ‘Christ died for our sins’. 

Some Long Island Christians, led by the local Catholic Churches, will go through a Good Friday pilgrimage to remember the walk too Golgotha that fateful day almost 2,000 years ago. Whether you are there physically or in Spirit, we keep in mind the holiness of the day. 

A few announcements; 

There will be no Saturday Morning Bible Study, tomorrow, 4/8. 

Also, The BPBC Leadership and other men who want to help will meet at BPBC at 2pm to begin preparing for our Easter Breakfast. 

Sunday, 4/9, Resurrection Sunday aka Easter we will ‘Celebrate the King’ who we ‘welcomed’ last Sunday. Consider joining us for Easter Breakfast at 9am and Worship Service at 10:30am (see attached graphic). 

A few resources; 

Review this past Sunday’s worship service and notes at the following link,

We only had on session of the Preterist Power Hour this week. You can review the session at the following YouTube link,

Pastor Mike brought us through part 33 of A Contextual Study on the Hope of Israel/Resurrection of the Dead this past Tuesday. You can review the study session and the notes at the following link,

This past Sunday’s praise and prayers will not be enumerated. However, we rejoice int he fact that the Father knows our spoken praises and prayers, as well as our silent praises and prayers, before we have words to lift them up. He truly is sovereign and providential. May you see that and relish that all the more as we continue to move through Holy Week and after. 

I look forward to gathering and worshipping our mighty God with you, as opportunity presents itself, throughout the week. 

Good Friday to you! 

By His continued grace, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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