Blessings in Christ, 

I hope each of you had a blessed first week of Spring. Prayerfully, you find yourself “springing forward”. 

A few announcements & resources. 

Tonight, 3/24, we have our fourth and final public discussion on “What Happy Couples Know”. We will have dinner and discussion beginning at 6:45pm at The Blue Point Bible Church.  See attached graphic. 

Also, tomorrow, 3/25, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study. 

Tomorrow night, 3/25, we will have our first of Spring bonfires at 7:45pm. (This will be rain or shine – if it is raining, we will be inside playing games and snacking. 

On Sunday, 3/26, we will have our Adult Sunday School at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30:am, and for our evening session at 6pm we will watch the film, ‘By What Standard?’. 

Here are a few resources that were provided for your edification this week; 

Worship Service & Sermon notes from this past Sunday at the following link,

Preterist Power Hour with Pete & Rachael Wrue, authors of The Return of Christ: Why Are We Still Waiting? You can review that session and find other beneficial information/links at the following link,

You can be blessed by reviewing the Daniel Sermon Series by Tim Martin at the following link,

I hope the shared information and resources edifies you, and that we will have blessed fellowship at some point, at one of our church activities, throughout the weekend. 

By His continued grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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