Blessings in Christ, 

I hope each of you had a blessed week, are growing through Lent, and have welcomed the month of March. We will have a March ‘Monthly Calendar’ available in the foyer and on the website by tomorrow morning. 

Tomorrow, Sunday, 3/5, we will gather for Adult Sunday school at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am, and we are asking all BPBC Membership to stay after for a short meeting/vote regarding the AT&T cell tower. Please review the host of information that was provided at the Annual Meeting, and the recent letter Deacon Ed Silsbe had shared, and bring any questions/concerns to the meeting. Deacon Ed has a previous commitment, however, will be able to join us by call to field questions and respond to any points. 

Also, tomorrow evening, we will have our Breaking Bread & Gathering session at 6pm. 

A few resources for your edification; 

You can review the sermon notes and sermon audio from this past Sunday at The Blue Point Bible Church at the following link,

Here is a link to a host of resources that were mentioned on Preterist Power Hour earlier in the week,

Consider reviewing the thoughts shared from brother Edward Howell recently regarding the “Four Promises”,

Lastly, be sure to check out the February 2023 LIC Public Press. You can access the website at the following link,

I look forward to fellowshipping with each of you, God-willing, tomorrow at one of our various fellowship and worship opportunities. Please remember to prepare your thoughts regarding the AT&T stuff and join us after service. 

By His grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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