Blessings in Christ,

I trust that each of you had a blessed week, especially as we move into a focused time of self-examination and self-denial in the season of Lent. 

A few announcements and resources for your edification; 

Tonight, Fri., 2/24, we will have our 1st of 4 group sessions on “What Happy Couples Know”. All are welcome, however RSVP is required. Please respond through email, message, or call to RSVP. We will have a study time, discussion, and fellowship over food. See attached graphic

Tomorrow, 2/25, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

And Of course, Sunday, 2/26, we will gather. Adult Sunday School at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am, and Breaking Bread and Gathering at 6pm. 

Here are a few resources for your edification; 

This past Sunday’s sermon audio, outline, and resources –

We studied through Amos 9:11 this week in Pastor Mike’s (Pt. 30) of his resurrection study. You can find the video and written notes at the following link,

Of course, for fun, fellowship, and learning, each of us have been encouraged to review and participate in Lent Madness. Learn more and engage at the following link,

I look forward to fellowshipping with those of you RSVP’d to join us this evening. Otherwise, perhaps tomorrow’s Bible study, or all the actives we have on Sunday, will bring us together. 

Until then, 

May His peace reign in you and through you, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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