Blessings in Christ, 

I hope each of you are having a blessed week and are finding some way to enjoy the beauty of the day ahead of us. As I mentioned earlier this week in a public sharing, “You have to endeavor to be healthy, helpful, and happy, before you find the realities around you”. 

Today is P.S. I Love You Day. This is a local (Long Island) initiative “to bring awareness to the importance of mental health and decrease bullying.”. I encouraged each of us to wear purple today to support the effort. Visit the following websites for more information and encouragement,

You can review the outline notes and find the audio link to this past Sunday’s Worship Service and sermon delivered at The Blue Point Bible Church at the following link,

Also, you can review the Black History Month exhortation and some shared pictures from Pastor Michael Miano at the following link,

A few other resources & announcements for your edification this week; 

An “Throwback Thursday” article from James Robert Kessler regarding “The Curse” was mentioned on the Preterist Power Hour and posted on the blog site. You can review that article at the following link,

Also, new sermons and the the ‘Daniel Sermon Series’ have been uploaded to the Tim Martin Teaches blog. Visit for more information. 

Keep an eye out for “Finishing Our Fall – Genesis” blog to be uploaded this weekend. 

We have confirmed our primary guest speakers – Glenn Hill, Ward Fenley, Daniel Rogers, and Tim Martin – will be joining us for our 8th Annual Bible Conference. We will have other presentations & speakers as well. Our title will be The Kingdom & Worldview Conference. Please view and share the attached graphic. 

Also, up until February 13th, we are celebrating National Marriage Week. In our ‘Fellowship Room’ at the church building we have a host of resources on the table regarding marriage and married life. Also, consider reviewing the following link full of resources that will bless you in your marriage or whatever state of relationship you might find yourself in,

  • We will be working up a marriage study and event nights in weeks to come. 

Tomorrow, Sat., 2/11, we have our Men’s Breakfast at 7am at the California Diner. 

At 9am, we will continue our #AfterAD70 Church History study at The Blue Point Bible Church. 

This Sunday, 2/12, we will have Adult Sunday School at 9am and Worship Service at 10:30am, and we will go out after church for our After-Church Luncheon. However, we will not be having our evening session. Yes, we know it’s Super Bowl Sunday! Find some family and friends and enjoy some wings and the Super Bowl. 

I look forward fellowshipping, studying, and worshipping with each of you at some point throughout the weekend. 

With a Spirit of love & grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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