Blessings in Christ, 

I surely hope that each of you had a blessed week, marking out healthy, helpful, and happy opportunities for your life and those around you. 

If you are on our BPBC email list, you should have received a summary of our 2023 BPBC Annual Corporate Business Meeting & Membership/Attendee contacts. 

You also should have received an email with insights regarding our planning for our 8th Annual Bible Conference. This Sunday, Feb. 5th we will mark out some time after the Worship Service to talk through those details and make some decisions. Please plan to stay for that meeting or email, text, or call with me your thoughts. 

A few resources for your edification; 

Sunday’s sermon link & outline –

A blog I wrote this week titled, ‘Lord, Help Us, Your Church Seems So Confused’. You can read it at the following link,

We have continued out study in Genesis chapter 3 on the Preterist Power Hour. You can review the following link to gain outlines and resources in regards to that study,

You can review the January 2023 publication of LIC Pubic Press at the following link,

Here is a link to our February 2023 ‘Monthly Calendar’ –

I will be uploading and sending out information regarding our recent resurrection studies, namely parts 28-29. Keep an eye on my blog site, for those resources. 

I trust that each of you are staying safe and warm as we experience some rather cold weather. I look forward to our warmth of fellowship and worship this coming Sunday at The Blue Point Bible Church. Until then, continue to be blessed. 

By His continued Grace & Truth. 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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