Blessings in Christ, our Lord, 

It surely has been a full and fast week. I am amazed at how fast January has gone so far. 

We are moving steadily closer to our Annual Meeting, Friday, January, 27th, at 7pm. 

Please consider reviewing the host of resources that were provided this week; 

At the following link you can re-listen or simply read through the sermon from this past Sunday (1 Corinthians 10-11),

Also, this past Tuesday I put together a blog full of links and pictures regarding my recent interviews. One with The Burros of Berea Podcast and the other with Johnny Ova on his newly launched, Dig In Podcast. Enjoy at the following link,

We did not have any Preterist Power Hour sessions this week, however, we have been looking at Genesis chapter 2, “Wandering The Garden”, and there are a host of updated notes and resources to be found at the following link,

(Also, keep an eye out for a new blog with notes and resources related to Genesis chapter 3 to be coming at some point throughout the weekend). 

Review the video and find the notes regarding our Pt. 27 of A Contextual Study on the Hope of Israel/ Resurrection of the Dead at the following link,

Also, The Kingdom Bible (which I along with a host of other Preterist Bible teachers had worked together on) is now available online. You can find Bible access and commentaries at the following link,

Some important announcements; 

Tonight, 1/20, at 7:30pm Eastern, we will have The Power of Preterism Network’s Annual Meeting. The meeting is open to all and can be accessed online through Zoom or Call in. 

Zoom – 698 689 7086 

Call In – (646) 558 – 8656

We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study tomorrow, 1/21, at 9am. 

This Sunday, 1/22, we will have a ‘Considering Membership Meeting’ for those considering membership in The Blue Point Bible Church. The meeting will be in the Fellowship Room after the Worship Service. 

You can review our Church Calendar at the following link for other details and dates,

I look forward to fellowshipping, studying, and worshipping with each of you throughout the weekend. 

By His continued mercy and grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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