Blessings in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, 

I hope this update finds each of you in peace, either relishing good health or moving toward healing and recovery. We have been covering many within our congregation in prayer for healing, so together we utter, “Lord hear our prayer”. I look forward to the blessings and opportunities 2023 has for us. 

A few announcements and resources to follow; 

You can review our update January 2023 Monthly Calendar at the following link,

We will have the Preterist Power Hour tomorrow, Fri., 1/13, at 10:3am. You can join through Zoom, Call in, or watch on The Power of Preterism Network’s Facebook page. The following link will clue you in to the discussion and give you other resources to study,

We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study on 1/14 at 9am. I am interested and encouraged to learn and discuss more about Irenaeus and his time period. 

This Sunday to come, 1/15, we will have Adult Sunday School at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am, and our Breaking Bread & Gathering/ Common Prayer at 6pm. 

While we did not record this past Sunday’s sermon (1/8/23), I am beginning to share my written sermon notes through my blog site. You can review this past Sunday’s sermon at the following link,

You can review our recent, Pt. 26 session, of A Contextual Study on the Hope of Israel/ Resurrection of the Dead at the following link,

I wrote up a 2022 review and renew that will remind you of much of what we studied through and accomplished throughout the year, and of course the review is chock-full-of resources and pictures. Enjoy and be edified at the following link,

Also, in regards to the future and momentum of our Adult Sunday School study through the Old Testament prophets, I am going to be introducing us to the idea of the Immerse Bible Studies. You can learn more and access the resources and podcasts at the following links;

Oh and course I must mention, you can now listen to 2 of the podcasts I recorded with the Burros of Berea, including but not limited to my testimony interview at the following links: 

(1) Ruth Discussion –

(2) Testimony –

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of January , 2023: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for our online community, and mentioned specific prayer for the Mahr’s. Also, prayers for sister Meredith, as we have not seen her in a while, and prayers for Karen as she deals with Covid. He praised God for his provisions and sustenance. 

Kathy praised God for a beautiful Sunday and mentioned prayer regarding the expect snow the next week. She mentioned prayer about her hernia and also lifted up prayers for Lisa and Meredith. Prayers for Phil’s sister-in-law,. Prayers for Helen, and continued prayers for her daughter Karen. She mentioned prayers for a new year full of happiness and not so much depression. 

Deacon Brian again lifted up the corporate praises and prayers. Prayers for friends in Modesto. Praise that Pastor Mike is back from North Carolina and that he had an edifying trip. Prayers for a friend seeking a church, perhaps they will come here. Prayers for those dealing with health issues in our congregation and prayers for his friend Jerry who “is doing as good as he can”. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for the ways He reveals Himself to us. He mentioned praise for a fruitful and edifying Adult Sunday School. 

Pastor Mike praised God for travel mercies and mentioned prayers for others who are traveling. He mentioned praise for Rick Welch and The Burros of Berea Podcast. Also, praise for the power and progress of Preterism and the proper focus of the Church on the “healing of the nations”. Prayers for those dealing with Covid, prayers for Rachanda (her pregnancy, health issues, and work issues), as well as prayers for Kaiden and his constantly growing up. Prayers regarding our upcoming Annual Meeting and the vision, plans, and ideas that will be shared, as well as potentially new and renewed membership. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

I look forward to our studying together, fellowshipping, and praising the King of Kings through the weekend ahead. 

To God be the glory, forever & ever, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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