Blessings of love and peace, 

I truly pray that the last week or so has afforded you ample time to celebrate and rest in the Lord Jesus Christ. While we continue to have necessary need for healing and comfort among us, from sickness and bodily hurts and illnesses, we continue to rejoice in the Lord and expect His strength, right on time! 

I know I am excited to move into the new year, despite the fact that it came so fast. I have been reviewing and renewing my new year’s resolutions and goals for the new year. 

Since tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, 12/31, we will not have our Saturday Morning Bible Study. 

We will have our 1st Worship Service of the new year on Sunday, January 1st, 2023 and of course, we encouraged you to begin your new year setting your eyes on, and giving devotion and dedication to, our Lord Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith. We will be gathering at 10:30am. 

(No Adult Sunday School)

Consider the following highlights and resources from the last week or so; 

Our last Preterist Power Hour session was on 12/21 and we interview Norman Voss. You can access the YouTube link to that interview along with other mentioned resources at the following link,

The last week has been busy not only with family and celebration of Jesus Christ, but also service and fellowship opportunities at The Blue Point Bible Church. A hearty thank you to those who served diligently for our 3rd Annual ‘Under the Tree’ Thrift Experience. You can see some of the posted pictures below. 

Also, you can view pictures from our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day gatherings at The Blue Point Bible Church, below. 

Keep an eye out for Pastor Miano’s end of the year blog, Days With Purpose, and his new year’s blog of review and vision. 

BPBC’s Annual Meeting – Fri. January 27th, 2023 at 7pm. 

I have no list of corporate praises and prayers to share for this week, however, please keep our congregation in prayer for healing and good health reports, as we have been praying for many, and had a few dealing with Coronavirus recently. Healing and a hedge of protection. Also, we pray for our minds, hearts, soul, and strength as we move into the new year endeavouring to live out the purpose of our congregation and to give continued and increased glory to God. In Jesus’ name. 

May you move excitedly into the new year looking for opportunities to increase in ways that make you effective and fruitful in your use of the knowledge of God. 

By His continued grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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