Blessings in Christ, 

I hope this update finds each off you having a peace wherein you can testify to an increase, in some sort of way, regarding hope, peace, joy, and love. If not, I continue to pray, and many other “prayer warriors” prayer along with me. Also, may His healing hand be upon those who have asked for healing and for those we have prayed for – individually and corporately. 

A few important updates; 

Tomorrow, Sat., 12/10, we have our annual Harvest Dinner at 5:30pm. We will be gathering in the Fellowship Room potluck style. If you would like to bring a plate, many have signed up, if you didn’t that’s fine, however you don’t have to bring anything. Just your happy, healthy, and hungry self. See attached graphic. 

We will have Worship Service this Sunday, our normal schedule as you will see in this update closing. We will NOT have our After Church Luncheon. 

We look forward to celebrating Christmas @ BPBC. 

  • We will have a Christmas Card Name List available this Sunday. 
  • “Under The Tree” Christmas Thrift Event is planned for Dec. 22nd – 23rd at The Blue Point Bible Church 
  • We will have a Candlelit Christmas Eve Worship Service on Sat., Dec. 24th at 7pm 
  • Join us for a A Comfy, Cozy, Christmas Celebration full of games and gifts at 10:30 on Sun., Dec., 25th! 

Sunday Sermon –

Pastor Mike’s recent blog –

Resurrection Study –

Preterist Power hour : 

I look forward to fellowshipping with many of you tomorrow night at our Haverst Dinner, and for those who cannot join us, God willing you will gather for worship on Sunday. 

On Sunday, 12/11, we will have Adult Sunday School at 9am, Worship Service at 10:30am, and Common Prayer at 6pm. 

To God be the glory! 

By His grace, peace, & mercy, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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